Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Current Freelance Stuff

Since running Shiny Media now takes up most of my time, I don't do quite as much freelance writing. However, regular stuff I'm still doing includes:

Observer Woman - gadgets column
Voyager - BMI's in-flight magazine - gadgets column
Custom PC Big in Japan column

And lots of stuff for Woman & Home magazine.

I'm also working on a special new project for a big publishing house. More details to come!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Katie's Yoga Flames - For the Indy on Sunday Review

I made a video for my Independent on Sunday Review photography column. This month it was about shooting video on your digital camera and here is my attempt:

Monday, March 20, 2006

Regular Column in Observer Woman

Just a quick note to say that I'm now doing a regular gadget section in Observer Woman magazine, the latest monthly mag from the Observer.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Me on the Gadget Show

I was on TV the other day, chatting to the beguiling Suzi Perry about Gadgets For Girls - something the Gadget Show, which is aimed at 16-34 year old men, has previously ignored.

You can check out screen grabs Gadget Show website, including some particular attractive ones of me lying on the floor, looking embarrassed, with an impressive double chin. It was the camera angle, I tells yer.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Guardian Article

I've written another piece about moblogging, this time for the Guardian magazine.

Oh, and I also did a round up of snazzy gadgets at the same time.

And while I'm on the subject, here's a link to a piece about a Virtual Beauty pageant by Simon Creasey in which I proffer my opinion.

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